Solar Power Adoption
Mazda promotes the use of renewable energy* for in-house power.
- Solar panels have been installed at the Hiroshima Plant, and operation of a solar power generation system was started at this site in July 2021. Electricity generated by this system is used to charge the batteries of the MX-30 EV models produced at the plant and for other manufacturing processes.
- A solar power system has been installed on the roof of the radio wave experiment building of the Miyoshi Plant. Electricity generated by this system is used to provide power and lighting for the building, thereby continuously contributing to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.
- At the Hofu Plant, solar-powered units have been introduced for some corridor lighting.
- Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation (MMVO) in Mexico installed outdoor solar lighting, thereby promoting effective use of renewable energy using solar power and LEDs.
- Introducing renewable energy is also accelerating at affiliated companies in Japan and overseas. They are systematically implementing measures such as introducing solar power generation facilities and purchasing electricity with low CO₂ emissions.
【Statistics from FY March 2024】
・ Generation of 1,788MWh of power at the Hiroshima Plant
・ Generation of 26 MWh of power at the Miyoshi Plant
Environmental data (Amount of electricity generated from renewable energy)
* Refers to natural energy sources that can be used continuously without being depleted, such as electricity generation using solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, or biomass power, or direct solar heating, and that generate zero or negligible CO₂ emissions.
Conclusion of Off-Site Corporate PPAs on Solar Power Generation with Local Companies
Mazda prioritizes cooperation with local industries when it comes to introducing Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs) in conjunction with new renewable energy development projects. Accordingly, the Company invests in renewable energy generation through an approach that matches the characteristics of the regions in which we position our domestic bases. As Step 1 of this approach, Mazda concluded an off-site corporate PPA*1 with Toyo Seat Co., Ltd.; Choshu Industry Co., Ltd.; and The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Ltd. Procurement of renewable energy based on this agreement commenced in FY March 2024. Going forward, we will move forward with on-site corporate PPA*2 and off-site corporate PPA plans, which call for increased coordination with business partners and other local businesses, as Step 2 of this approach and then go on to expand the scope of these efforts as a business advanced together with local industries, which will constitute Step 3. Through this process, Mazda will promote the expansion of renewable energy in the region.The following is a look at our efforts in Step 1.
In March 2023, with an eye to bringing about a carbon-neutral society, Mazda concluded an off-site corporate PPA to procure electricity from renewable sources with a number of local companies: Toyo Seat, Choshu Industry, and Chugoku Electric Power.*3 Under the PPA, Choshu Industry will serve as the electricity producer, with Choshu Industry and Mazda installing new solar power generation facilities on unused land in the Chugoku region and using those facilities to generate electricity, which will then be sold to Chugoku Electric Power. Chugoku Electric Power will then supply this electricity to Toyo Seat and Mazda as renewable energy. This agreement represents the Chugoku region’s first off-site corporate PPA involving more than one electricity user. Under the PPA, Chugoku Electric Power has commenced the supply of approximately 4,900 kW in renewable energy generated by solar panels to plants and other places of business belonging to Toyo Seat and Mazda since April 2023. These arrangements have reduced annual CO₂ emissions by approximately 2,610 tons.
*1 An off-site corporate PPA is a long-term contract for the purchase of electricity under which a company producing electricity through solar power generation facilities agrees to provide power generated using those facilities to a designated user or users based in a location separate from the solar power generation facilities, supplying that power to them via an electricity transmission network operated by an electricity retailer.
*2 An on-site corporate PPA is a contract that involves a company installing solar power, wind power, or other renewable energy generation facilities on its premises and directly purchasing electricity generated by said facilities.
*3 In 2022, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry provided subsidies to cover a portion of the expense of installing solar power generation facilities in cases where users of electricity coordinated with an electricity producer to build such facilities. These subsidies were intended to promote such collaboration and to encourage wider adoption of independent initiatives to establish renewable energy sources with the goal of contributing to a reliable, long-term supply–demand balance in energy use during the period up until 2030, thereby supporting the achievement of ambitious targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The aforementioned PPA arrangement was applicable under this subsidy program.