as of December 18, 2024
Participation in Initiatives
Initiative/Organization | Details | Logo |
United Nations Global Compact | Signatory since June 2018 Mazda will work to uphold the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which relate to such tasks as protecting human rights, eliminating allforms of inappropriate labor, undertaking environmental initiatives, and working against corruption. | |
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures | Support declared and TCFD Consortium*1 joined in May 2019 Since FY March 2021, the Company has been working to enhance the qualityand quantity of its information disclosure in accordance with therecommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD) in the four areas of “Governance,” “Strategy,” “Risk Management,” and “Metrics and Targets.”*2
*1 The TCFD Consortium is an organization established in Japan for the purpose of holding discussions on effective corporate information disclosure related to climate change and efforts for tying disclosed information to appropriateinvestment decision-making by financial institutes and other entities.
*2 Source: | |
The Valuable 500 | Member since January 2021 The Valuable 500 is an organization through which business leaders promote reforms to draw out the latent value that people with disabilities can offer to businesses, the economy, and the greater society. Mazda joined this organization because we endorse its ideals. We have declared our own commitments to ending disability exclusion and are accelerating initiatives aimed at accomplishing this goal. |
To fulfill its social responsibility, Mazda is actively collaborating with external organizations, including local governments and industrial organizations.
External Recognition
Mazda identifies key external ratings and recognition both from within Japan and overseas. By analyzing the results, the Company evaluates its own initiatives. Mazda continuously makes active efforts to disclose information by responding to the requirement from investors and rating organizations under situation of further closeup of ESG investment which invest to the company with is selected by environment, social, and governance (ESG) viewoint.
Inclusion in ESG Indices
Index | Details | Logo |
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes | ESG index by the MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) in the U.S., which is constituted by companies with high ESG evaluation in each industry. Mazda selected since June 2020. |
(Disclaimer) |
FTSE4Good | ESG index developed by the FTSE Russell, a fully-owned by the London Stock Exchange. Mazda selected since March 2011. | |
ECPI Global Developed ESG Best in Class | ESG index by ECPI (E. Capital Partners Indices), which is an ESG evaluate organization based in Italy and Luxemburg. The index is constituted by companies which received high ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) evaluation in globally. Mazda selected since September 2015. |
SOMPO sustainability Index | SOMPO Sustainable Investment was developed by Sompo Asset Management which asset broadly to high evaluated company in ESG. The index is investment product for pension fund and institutional investor. Mazda selected since the index was established in August 2012. |
Inclusion in ESG Indices adopted by GPIF
Index | Details | Logo |
FTSE Blossom Japan Index | FTSE Russell evaluates Japanese companies' ESG based on disclosed information, and selects high evaluated companies from each sector. Mazda selected since the index was established in July 2017. | |
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector ReIative Index | FTSE Russell evaluates Japanese companies' ESG based on disclosed information, and selects high evaluated companies from each sector. Also reflect management stance of the company which have high carbon intensity (GHG exposure per revenue) to their evaluation. Mazda selected since the index was established in March 2022. | |
MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index | ESG index developed by MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), which is based in the United States. The index consists of corporations that receive high evaluation in their sector in terms of ESG region. Mazda selected since the index was established in January 2024. |
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index | Carbon performance index which is evaluating Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) companies’ carbon emission disclosure or carbon efficiency. Mazda selected since the index was established in September 2018. | |
MSCI Japan Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index | The index is designed to emphasize companies in the Japanese market that have strong gender diversity policies embedded in their corporate culture and that ensure equal opportunities to employees, irrespective of their gender. Mazda selected since the index was established in February 2023. |
Major Recognition / Certifications
Recognition / Certifications | Details | Logo |
CDP | A not-for-profit charity in the UK that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Mazda's score of CDP 2023 was A- in the Climate Change and B in the Water Security. | |
Ecovadis | Evaluation organization based in France, which conducts sustainability survey of companies’ supply chain. The evaluation covers over 75,000 organizations and companies in 160 countries and 200 industries. Participant companies are provided with sustainability ratings on their performance in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Mazda's overall score in FY March 2025 was 57. | ー |
PRIDE Index | Certification by work with Pride, an organization which supports companies' diversity management related to sexual minorities such as LGBTQ+. Mazda received Gold certification in 2024. | |
D&I AWARD | Certification by Job Rainbow, Inc., a company that evaluates corporate diversity and inclusion. Mazda received the highest ranking of Best Workplace in 2024. | |
Kurumin | Certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for companies’ support for childcare. Mazda received the Kurumin certification in 2007. |