Basic Principles
Basic Principles

Basic Principles

Mazda continues to implement initiatives tailored to the issues faced by each country and region.

Through its human connections and uplifting experiences, we build a “community of trust and empathy” with local communities and society in line with the purpose to enrich life-in-motion for those we serve.

Environmental conservation


Mazda’s business activities have a relationship with and impact social issues, such as global warming, and energy and resource shortages. To resolve these issues, the Company attaches importance to the environmental perspectives, not only in conducting its main business, but also when making social contributions.

Mazda has been involved in forest conservation activities, initiatives for biodiversity, initiatives to deal with waste problems that lead to environmental destruction, volunteer activities for natural environment protection, environmental awareness at events, environmental education, and so forth.  

Human Resources


Mazda emphasizes the perspective of human resources development, based on the idea that fostering people who will be future leaders in the foundation of society and in business is important.

We conduct plant tours, offer work experience programs, and provide on-site classes that make use of our specialized knowledge of automobile and Monozukuri (engineering and manufacturing).  We also provide hands-on learning programs and organize sports classes.

Coexistence with local communities


For a society where all people harmoniously coexist, Mazda engages in activities to address    the unique issues faced by each local community in the countries and regions in which we conduct business.

We support sports and culture, make donations and the donation of vehicles to social welfare organizations, and hold or cooperate with local events, such as the road relay race.

Traffic safety


Mazda’s business activities have a relationship with and impact social issues, such as traffic accidents. To resolve these issues, the Company attaches importance to the safety perspectives, not only in conducting its main business, but also when making social contributions.

We dispatch lectures to offer safety education programs, provide quizzes on traffic safety, and fly the flag for safety (crossing guards). 


The Mazda Social Contribution Report in PDF format can be downloaded here.