In order to promote environmental initiatives within Mazda’s scope of certification, the Company has developed the following environmental policy.
Basic Approach
Mazda Environmental Policy
Basic Policy
Through business activities that coexist with local communities and society, we will realize a carbon-neutral and recycling-oriented society.
Action guidelines
(1) Mazda will strive to recycle resources, reduce energy consumption, introduce renewable energy, and conserve biodiversity.
(2) Mazda will promote the use of environmentally friendly products and services by providing products and services whose life cycle was
(3) Mazda will not only comply with environmental laws and regulations, but also consider the environmental impact of its corporate activities on local communities and society and ensure a comfortable environment of the society of the future.
(4) Mazda will raise the environmental awareness of each employee and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the Company’s entire corporate activities, while placing importance on the appropriate disclosure of information and mutual communication.
Initiatives of Environmental Management Systems
Establishment of Environmental Management Systems
Mazda is promoting the establishment of environmental management systems (EMS) across its entire supply chain and in all Group companies. The purpose of the EMS is to carry out more environmentally conscious business activities in a more effective manner, based on ISO 14001 and other standards.
【Statistics from FY March 2024】
- Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by Mazda and 14 of 15 Group manufacturing companies in Japan and overseas
- Promotion of receipt of certification under EcoAction 21 (EA21),* an EMS, by domestic automobile sales companies; completion of certification by 15 sales companies and at Mazda Chuhan Co., Ltd.; promotion of certification at owner-managed dealerships resulting in acquisition of certification at a total of 119 dealerships comprised of 24 dealerships for the Mazda/Mazda Enfini sales channel, 94 dealerships for the Mazda Autozam sales channel, and Mazda Chuhan (as of the end of March, 2024)
* EA21 is a simplified EMS established by the Ministry of the Environment, for application at companies of various scales, such as small to medium-sized companies.
List of ISO 14001-Certified Production and Business Sites
Domestic Production and Business Sites
Hiroshima district | Hiroshima Plant | June 2000 |
Miyoshi Plant | ||
Hofu Plant | Nishinoura district | September 1998 |
Nakanoseki district (Expand) | September 1999 | |
Tokyo Headquarters | September 2016 | |
Mazda R&D Center Yokohama | ||
Proving Grounds (Mine, Kenbuchi and Nakasatunai) | ||
Osaka Corporate Sales Office |
Four domestic consolidated group companies (excluding sales companies)
Mazda E&T Co., Ltd.*1 | June 2000 |
Mazda Ace Co., Ltd.*1 | June 2000 |
Mazda Logistics Co., Ltd.*1 | June 2000 |
Kurashiki Kako Co., Ltd. | December 2001 |
Four domestic equity-method group companies
Toyo Advanced Technologies Co., Ltd.*2 | June 2000 |
Japan Climate Systems Corporation |
May 2000 |
Yoshiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd. | April 2002 |
MCM Energy Service Co., Ltd.*3 | June 2008 |
Overseas production sites
AutoAlliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.*4 |
May 2000 |
Changan Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd.*4 | December 2008 |
Changan Mazda Engine Co., Ltd.*4 | February 2009 |
Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation*5 | December 2014 |
Mazda Powertrain Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.*5 | November 2016 |
*1 Some or all of the organizations at each of the companies acquired ISO 14001 certification in the certification scope of Mazda.
*2 The company received ISO 14001 certification within the scope of Mazda's certification. As a separate business facility, the company individually acquired the certification in March 2016. However, as a separate company, the company acquired re-certification in April 2017, resulting in the exclusion of the company from the certification scope of Mazda.
*3 Although the company was within Mazda's scope of certification, it acquired the certification on its own in March 2013.
*4 Equity-method Group company
*5 Consolidated Group company
Promotion of Green Purchasing
With the aim of reducing environmental impact throughout its entire supply chain, Mazda established the Mazda Green Purchasing Guidelines and takes action in accordance with these guidelines. These guidelines require all of its suppliers worldwide to undertake measures to reduce their impacts on the environment at all stages, spanning from product development to manufacturing and delivery. The guidelines also make it clear that Mazda will give preference in purchasing to suppliers who implement such environmental measures. Moreover, under the guidelines, Mazda asks suppliers to formulate and enact road maps for reducing their CO₂ emissions. The Company has received such CO₂ emissions reduction road maps from local and major suppliers, and collaborative efforts toward carbon neutrality are underway.
Mazda also requires suppliers of parts, materials, and industrial equipment and tools to obtain and maintain ISO 14001 certification and to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated through their corporate activities. In addition, the Company promotes environmental activities in collaboration with its suppliers by providing them with information and other assistance. Presently, all major suppliers involved in Mazda vehicle development and manufacturing have acquired ISO 14001 certification.
【Statistics from FY March 2024】
- Rate of 100% for maintenance of ISO 14001 certification among 500 new and continuing major suppliers around the world (as of March 31, 2024)
- Requests for EMS development in accordance with the Mazda Green Purchasing Guidelines issued to secondary suppliers and subcontractors through primary suppliers
Status of Implementation of Environmental Audits
To confirm that EMS, such as ISO 14001 and EA21, are functioning effectively, both internal audits and external audits are carried out annually at Mazda and all Group companies, both in Japan and overseas, that have obtained certification. The results of internal audits and external audits are reported to senior management, and any problems are swiftly and appropriately rectified.
EMS Audit Results on ISO 14001
Mazda Motor Corporation
FY March 2020 | FY March 2021 | FY March 2022 | FY March 2023 | FY March 2024 | |
Serious noncompliance issues | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Minor noncompliance issues | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Observation issues | 6 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 6 |
Eliminating Sensory Pollution
Sensory pollution comprises noise, vibration, and odors that have a sensory or psychological impact on people. Mazda recognizes that clearing legal regulations may not be enough to prevent noise, vibration, and odors from annoying neighborhood residents. For this reason, the Company is systematically stepping up measures to alleviate the causes of such pollution, as well as measures to improve noise insulation and odor removal.
Reduction of Vehicle Noise
Mazda has established its own noise standards which are even stricter than the most recent legal requirements. In compliance with the above in-house standards, the Company has been working to reduce the road traffic noise of all the passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles it produces. The Company has also been actively addressing the development of technologies to reduce the three major vehicle noises: engine noise, air intake and exhaust system noise, and tire noise.
Example of Anti-Noise Measures (Mazda3)

Environmental Risk Management
Environmental Monitoring
Drills are conducted at individual plants and offices to prepare to respond to accidents that adversely affect the natural environment, while environmental monitoring, including monitoring of air and water pollution, is also conducted regularly.
(FY March 2024)
Environmental monitoring item | Target of monitoring | Items monitored | Monitoring frequency |
Air quality | Boilers, melting furnaces, heating furnaces, drying furnaces, etc. | 5 items: sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, soot, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen chloride | Around 280 times per year |
Water quality | Treated wastewater | 43 items: cadmium, cyanide, organic phosphorus, lead, hexavalent chromium, etc. | Around 1,700 times per year |
Noise and vibratio | Site boundaries | 2 items: noise level and vibration level | 12 times per year |
Odor | Site boundaries and other locations | 1 item: odor index | 12 times per year |
Waste products | Slag, sludge, scrap metal, etc. | 25 items: cadmium, cyanide, organic phosphorus, lead, hexavalent chromium, etc. | Around 100 times per year |
Legal Violations and Complaints
The Company is taking appropriate actions and is implementing measures to prevent recurrence.
(FY March 2024)
Mazda Motor Corporation | Group Companies | |||||
Number of incidents | Details | Response | Number of incidents | Details | Response | |
Legal violations | 0 | ー | ー | 1 | Non-compliance with drain water standards | Carried out maintenance. |
Complaints | 0 | ー | ー | 1 | Noise and vibration during building demolition | Held of a briefing session for the neighbors. There is no complains at this time as the building demolition has been completed.
Environmental Education and Education Programs
As part of its EMS, Mazda conducts environmental education—covering topics such as environmental issues, trends inside and outside Japan, the Company’s environmental initiatives, and environmental conservation activities at different workplaces—for all employees once a year, and for EMS leaders twice a year. The Company also encourages employees to obtain environment-related public qualifications and offers support for employees working toward these qualifications, including financial support through the Mazda Flex Benefit System.*
* The Mazda Flex Benefit System is a selective benefit system. Individual employees can seek the type of assistance that most suits them by choosing from a number of preset benefit options within the scope of allocated points.
Qualifications that Employees Are Encouraged to Obtain:
- Energy attorney
- Head supervisor of pollution control
- Supervisor of air and water pollution control (Class 1 to 4)
- Supervisor of noise- and vibration-related pollution control
- Supervisor of dust and particulate pollution control (Specified, General)
- Supervisor of dioxide pollution control
- Special managing supervisor in charge of industrial waste disposal
- Environmental Society Test (Eco Test)
- EMS inspector
- Internal environmental auditor
- Environmental measurer
- Construction environment hygiene control engineer
Environmental Education Structure

Routine Environmental Activities
Employees are working on environmentally friendly initiatives through their individual daily tasks.
Reduction of Paper Use
Mazda makes ongoing efforts to considerably reduce the amount of paper used for office work through the digitization of documents, ledger sheets, and other forms as well as through the use of projectors and monitors at meetings. In addition, the Company is promoting recycling through exhaustive waste sorting.
Energy Use Reduction
Through regular initiatives, including purchasing of low-power consumption office equipment and furniture and turning off lights and computers when they are not in use, Mazda is working to reduce energy use. In addition, the Company encourages offices and factories to turn off half of the lights during lunch breaks as a continuous measure. Furthermore, the Company implements a “Cool Biz” program during the summer season every year, setting internal room temperatures at 28°C (82.4°F) on a standard basis. During the winter season when electricity consumption is particularly high, the Company implements a “Warm Biz” program, setting internal room temperatures at 20°C (68°F) on a standard basis.
Eco-Walk Commuting Program
In order to raise employees’ environmental consciousness and encourage them to take better care of their health, employees who walk two kilometers or more as part of their daily commute to work are rewarded with an addition of 1,500 yen per month to their commuting allowance.
Mazda Light-Down Campaign
To raise environmental awareness, Mazda and domestic Group companies participate in the Mazda Light-Down Campaign, in which they turn off their signboards and indoor lighting.
【Statistics from FY March 2024】
- Lighting shut off for two hours from 20:00 to 22:00 on June 21 (summer solstice) and July 7 (Tanabata star festival in Japan)
- Reduction of 12 MWh in electricity use and approximately five tons in CO₂ emission
Environment-Related Accident Prevention Activities
Campaign for Oil Spill Prevention and Traffic Safety
Together with Mazda Logistics Co., Ltd. and several truckload transportation companies, Mazda Motor Corporation conducts an awareness-raising campaign to prevent oil spills on roads during vehicle delivery and improve traffic safety awareness. In this campaign, which is held twice a year, awareness-raising leaflets are distributed to drivers of delivery trucks to the Hiroshima Plant and the Hofu Plant. In doing so, the Company strives to improve such drivers’ awareness of the environment and safety and create a system to ensure that employees can make a quick and appropriate response in the event of an accident. As part of its efforts to prevent oil spills from occurring, Mazda has established a record system* that consolidates databases on the maintenance status of each vehicle and information on past environmental defects and presents this information in a visual format. The system began operation in March 2021, and introduction of the system had been completed at all participating truckload transportation companies as of March 31, 2024. Going forward, the Company will strive to utilize this system as an effective tool for preventing oil spills.

Awareness raising fliers being distributed
* The record system entails integrated management of various transportation vehicle information in the possession of truckload transportation companies to allow for alert messages to be sent to these companies as necessary. Information recorded by this system includes vehicle models, registration dates, travel distances, and date of legally mandated and annual inspections and maintenance.