Accepting Internships

[Japan] Mazda Motor Corporation, Group companies, Kobe Mazda Co., Ltd. and other dealerships
[Thailand] AutoAlliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (AAT)
[Canada] Mazda Canada Inc. (MCI)

Cooperation with Community Training Utilizing Our Diverse Human Resources and Training Organizations

Cooperation with Community Training Utilizing Our Diverse Human Resources and Training Organizations

Cooperation with Community Training Utilizing Our Diverse Human Resources and Training Organizations

As an effort for human resource training through industry-academia-government collaboration, Mazda provides internships for technical college and university students. Since FY2015, Mazda has improved the organizational relationship with the schools to provide a program with different levels that cover students from lower grades up to the doctorate level.
192 interns were accepted in FY2019. This initiative offers students a chance to nurture their own ambition and dreams through corporate ambition and philosophy and to improve their practical skills through co-creative work and practical training.

Participants commented, "It was an extremely valuable experience being able to realize my own strengths and weaknesses through group training and group work" and "It was a more rewarding work experience thanks to the pre- and post-internship learning at school, as well as the self-evaluation and time spent defining my own intentions."

By the numbers
Duration of program: 5 years
Total number of participants: Approx. 840 (since FY2015)

Group companies and dealerships accepted university student interns.
Kobe Mazda continues to offer internships, mainly consisting of work experience in a dealership for one or two weeks, that aim to teach students about work and help them select a job. In FY2019, in addition to the main 15 interns, a new one-to-two-day internship was offered to a further 105 students.
The students set individual goals at a pre-internship session so that they will have something to work toward during their internship. Through sharing their results at another post-internship session, the students recognized their own growth. The students gain new understanding through sharing with others their experiences and learning. Participants commented, "I was able to learn society's rules and standards" and "Work isn't something you can do on your own; I felt that many people's efforts go into a single project."

Accepting Internships

By the numbers
Duration of program: 20 years
Total number of participants: Approx. 470

Accepting Internships

Since 1998, AAT has conducted an ongoing "internship program" open to undergraduate university students. AAT collaborates with many universities to provide on-the-job training in line with academic programs under Ministry of Education regulations. This program has cultivated highly qualified graduates who can contribute to the development of Thailand. In FY2019, this internship program provided an opportunity for 30 university students to obtain real work experience.

By the numbers
Duration of program: 22 years
Total number of participants: 361

Accepting Internships

Since 2012, MCI has offered summer internships to third- and fourth-year university students. In FY2019, five students took part in the internship and gained work experience.

By the numbers
Duration of program: 8 years
Total number of participants: 26