Provision of Parade Vehicles

[Japan] Mazda Motor Corporation

Provision of Parade Vehicles

Cooperating in Local Events

Since 2016, Mazda has been providing cars every year for the "Tokyo Fire Department Dezomeshiki," the Tokyo Fire Department's annual new year drill and parade.
In FY2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event took place for the first time without spectators but Mazda provided two vehicles, which added to the festive atmosphere of the parade. On the day of the event, various fire extinguishing activities involving about 70 pump trucks and other vehicles took place. Members of the Edo Firemanship Preservation Association marched to the tunes of "Kiyari" songs and performed traditional firefighting acrobatics on bamboo ladders. A rapid response unit newly established last year also took part in a rescue drill based on a scenario assuming the outbreak of a large-scale fire caused by an earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Cooperating in Local Events

By the numbers
Duration of program: 6 years