Donating Computers

[Japan] Mazda Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd. (Mazda E&T)
[China] Mazda Motor (China) Co., Ltd. (MCO)
[Thailand] Mazda Powertrain Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (MPMT)

Donating Computers

By the numbers
Duration of program: 9 years
Total number of computers donated: 74

Mazda E&T engages in the development and manufacture of specially equipped vehicles, including welfare vehicles, and proactively supports the independence of people with special needs, as social welfare.
One example is donating computers that are no longer be used at the company since 2011. They are used to develop human resources and to help people return to work, as well as by volunteer organizations.
In FY2019, Mazda E&T donated six computers to six facilities, via the social welfare council of Hiroshima City, etc. A recipient commented, "We use a chat box as a tool for consultations, so with more computers we can offer more consultations."


Supporting learning with used laptops and car parts

Supporting learning with used laptops and car parts

MCO donated 58 used laptops to the scholarship program "Project Volunteer Online 2.0," which is operated by the NGO Shanghai Municipal Junior Assistant School Service Center.
The program, which began in July 2014, supports students' learning by offering online courses on subjects such as English, computer science, art, music, psychology, natural science, chess, writing, and Chinese for elementary school students in China's farming villages. With increased number of classrooms, demand also grew for more laptops, so MCO is supporting the program through donating used laptops.

By the numbers
Duration of program: 1 year

Supporting learning with used laptops and car parts

MPMT conducts initiatives to support the next generation of human resources. In January 2020, MPMT donated transmissions, engines, computers to five schools and one technical college in the mountainous region. The activity aims to prepare the students for successful future careers as experts in the automotive industry.

By the numbers
Duration of program: 1 year