Working Together to Keep Our Neighborhoods Clean
Cleanup Activities
[Japan] Mazda Motor Corporation, Group Companies, Dealerships
[Canada] Mazda Canada Inc. (MCI)
Employees at the Mazda Head Office (Hiroshima) work on periodical cleanups around the plants and offices during break times, participate in cleanup campaigns organized by local governments, and also implement cleanup activities of their own in the area around the Hiroshima Municipal Baseball Stadium, for which Mazda acquired the naming rights (known as Mazda Zoom-Zoom Stadium Hiroshima).
In FY2018, employees cleaned around temporary housing for those displaced by the heavy rains in western Japan in July 2018.
By the numbers
Number of cleanup activities implemented in FY2018: 14
Total number of participants in FY2018: 4,835
Mazda employees keep neighborhoods clean
The Hofu Plant, Miyoshi Plant, Mazda Group companies, and dealerships throughout Japan keep the areas around their companies clean. In addition, they work together with local companies and organizations to implement cleanup activities during local events and festivals to support local tourism.
MCI also held a volunteer cleaning event on Earth Day, an opportunity to think about the global environment. All employees helped clean local public spaces.