Cooperation for Donation Activities

Support through "Please Tell Us Your Opinion" Questionnaires

[Japan] Mazda Motor Corporation, Dealerships

At Mazda domestic dealerships*1, we ask customers who purchase cars*2 and customers who receive maintenance and inspections*2 to participate in a "Please Tell Us Your Opinion" online questionnaire*3 regarding the support and services provided at dealerships.

For each completed questionnaire submitted during the campaign period, Mazda donates ¥50 to the Japan NPO Center's "Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund" and "Mazda Support Program for NPOs Providing Transport Service" to provide support for the mobility of the elderly and disabled.

Support for New Communities

Japan NPO Center "Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"

The "Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund" provides livelihood support for individuals by working to create new communities among people who were separated from their homes and feel isolated due to the disaster.

Cars that Bridge Disaster-Affected Areas

Mazda Support Program for NPOs Providing Transport Service

Through assistance organizations, the "Mazda Support Program for NPOs Providing Transport Service" supports the transportation of individuals with disabilities and the elderly, as well as individuals in various areas suffering from the disaster or depopulation. Through assistance organizations, the program also holds events that provide opportunities to think about transportation support, human resource development, and servicing vehicles.

  • *1 Some dealerships do not participate in the survey program. For details, please inquire at the dealership you use.
  • *2 Customers who visit a Mazda or Mazda Autozam dealership and purchase a new or used vehicle, as well as those who bring a vehicle in to be serviced or inspected, are asked to complete a questionnaire.
  • *3 Eligible customers receive the website URL and password at the dealership. Participants are asked to fill out the questionnaire using a PC, mobile or smartphone. Donations are only given for completed questionnaires.


¥50 is Donated for Each Completed Questionnaire

<To participants in this activity>

Thank you to the many customers who responded to our questionnaire from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
We will give your opinions serious consideration and use them to improve Mazda dealerships.
We received 344,373 responses. The donations are described below.

<Please help us by completing this questionnaire>

Mazda will continue to donate to organizations implementing social contribution activities.

Period: April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Donation recipients:
The donation amount will be confirmed at the end of March 2020, and the donation will be made in May 2020. Detailed information about the recipients and the total amount donated will be posted on this website.

Activities Report

May 2019
FY March 2019
344,373 17,218,650 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
Japan NPO Center
"Contribution to NPO supporting daily transfer of the elderly and the physically challenged."*5
May 2018
FY March 2018
286,931 14,346,550 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
Japan NPO Center
"Contribution to NPO supporting daily transfer of the elderly and the physically challenged."*6
June 2017
FY March 2017
220,757 11,037,850 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
Japan NPO Center
"Contribution to NPO supporting daily transfer of the elderly and the physically challenged."*7
May 2016
FY March 2016
185,454 9,272,700 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
May 2015
FY March 2015
150,787 7,539,350 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
April 2014
FY March 2014
131,593 6,579,650 Japan NPO Center
"Japan Earthquake Local NPO Support Fund"*4
April 2013
FY March 2013
82,349 4,117,450 Ashinaga Tohoku Rainbow House Construction*8  
April 2012
FY March 2012*9
40,340 2,017,000 Ashinaga Tohoku Rainbow House Construction  
Total 1,442,584 72,129,200