Working with SOS Children's Villages
[Europe] Mazda Motors (Deutschland) GmbH (MMD), Mazda Automoviles Espana, S.A. (MAE)
European national sales companies support children
Based on the spirit of "One Mazda," the national sales companies (NSCs) in some European countries are working in collaboration with the local SOS Children's Villages (SCV) to develop support activities. SCV is an international non-governmental organization that provides support for families at risk and children who are unable to live with their parents or caregivers.
This year, due to the pandemic, Mazda's activities were focused on providing financial support, lendinga vehicle to families for their daily transportation needs, as well as donating IT equipment for school tasks and toys.
Although COVID-19 conditions in FY2020 prevented MME from conducting its regular activities with SCV, the NSCs in two countries continued to provide support.
MMD made a donation to SCV in Düsseldorf to furnish two newly built houses providing new homes to a total of 14 children in need.
MAE continued to support SCV in Madrid by donating money and providing not only a vehicle on loan for use at SCV facilities but also recycled laptops which have been essential during the pandemic, and a dozen of soccer balls for leisure activities.
By the numbers
Duration of program MMD: 13 years
Duration of program MAE: 11 years