Supporting Multicultural Coexistence

[Japan] Japan Climate Systems Corporation (JCS)

Supporting Multicultural Coexistence

Spending Time with Locals and Foreign Residents

JCS, which manufactures and sells automotive parts, has supported the Higashihiroshima City International Friendship Futsal League which has aimed to promote the international friendship and coexistence of multiple cultures, together with Hiroshima University, the Hiroshima Prefectural Police Headquarters, and the Hiroshima Japan- Brazil Association since the league's foundation in 2007, and formed a team of employees from foreign countries. The company has also provided financial and other assistance to run the league through Higashihiroshima Mazda-kai (an organization consisting of 32 corporations cooperating with Mazda neighboring in Higashihiroshima City) in which JCS serves as the chair and secretariat.

Spending Time with Locals and Foreign Residents

In FY2019, in addition to providing financial assistance to run the league, JCS promoted international exchanges through hosting monthly Futsal League games with about 17 teams (with members from 14 countries) and organizing the Higashihiroshima Mazda-kai Cup as an exchange event twice a year. JCS also contributed to the promotion of international exchange through Japanese culture events.
Students who help run the league said, "There was exchange not only between Japanese and foreign participants but between foreigners of various nationalities; I felt the importance of forming bonds and the happiness of making new friends," and a foreign participant said, "It was fun experiencing Japanese culture, such as splitting watermelons and enjoying summer foods like somen noodles and shaved ice, together with children and university students."

By the numbers
Duration of program: 13 years